Page 11 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 11

Opportunities Offered by AASP to Develop Skills (Needs)
conferences, and AASP certiication, students desire additional 

Questions related to opportunities offered to develop professional skills organizational support for their professional development needs (i.e., 

perceived membership value). The SDC believes one way in which 
were scored on a 5-point Likert scale (very satisied to very dissatisied). 
AASP may increase the perceived value in student membership is by 
Only 24.1% of respondents were satisied (satisied and very satisied) with 
providing more student-centered programming at the conference and 
opportunities provided by AASP to develop consulting skills; 27.3% for their 
throughout the year (e.g., webinars, workshops, online resources, 
research skills, and only 15.3% for their teaching practices. In response 
videos, mentorship). The SDC and E-Board Student Representatives 
to questions regarding opportunities, there was a high percentage of 

indifference (neither agree nor disagree). This result may be due to a lack are currently working on such workshops for the upcoming annual 

conference in Phoenix (stay tuned!). Moving forward, AASP will 
of knowledge of current opportunities provided, and could have made it 
continue to seek ways to increase and promote available student- 
dificult for students to accurately evaluate services AASP does provide.
centered programming and opportunities to develop professional 

skills. For additional details, please see the Student Representatives’ 
Highest Priorities for Consulting, Research, and Teaching (Interests)
Report on pages 26 and 27.

Questions regarding perceived priorities for consulting, research, and 

teaching interests were scored as dichotomous (yes/no) responses to 

a battery of potential interests. In the context of consulting, 78.1% rated Members in the News

intervention techniques to enhance sport performance in athletes as their 

highest priority. In regards to research, students felt writing and publishing 

research (36.6%) was the most important. With teaching practices, 

students perceived that delivering effective presentations (46.2%) was 

most important for their instructional development.

Future in the Field and with AASP (Interests)

AASP works to make our Members in the News resource 
On a positive note, 93.1% of the participants indicated they were likely or 
a more accessible and timely source of information. For 
extremely likely to continue as an AASP member after graduation, with 

87.5% seeking to become Certiied AASP Consultants. Most respondents your convenience, these reports are no longer listed on 

(89.0%) reported a desire to implement psychology principles to enhance 
our website, but instead are posted to our Facebook and 
performance in athletes in their work, 64.1% wished to conduct research 
Twitter accounts. With a variety of information, updates, 
on the psychology of performance, and 50.3% wanted to become a licensed 

and In the News content posted weekly, you will be able 
mental health practitioner (i.e., counselor/clinician). Additionally, 49.0% 
to stay up-to-date with the most current news in the 
wanted to teach psychology in higher education and 32.4% wanted to teach 

kinesiology in higher education. Outside the sport context, 49.0% wanted to sport psychology industry.

implement performance psychology principles in exercise settings, 26.2% 

wanted to work with performing artists, and 20.0% indicated the desire to 
Follow us on Twitter at @SportPsyAASP or on Facebook 
work in military settings.

at Association for Applied Sport Psychology to get more 

frequent updates about the work our membership is 

Results of this survey suggest that while our AASP student membership doing in the popular press.

believes in the importance of membership, attendance at the annual

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // The Students Have Spoken


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