Page 12 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 12

The International Value of CC-AASP

Cristina Rolo, PhD, CC-AASP, RoLo Mental Coaching

I was pleased to receive CC-AASP status CC-AASP in Portugal. Also, I learned that there are currently no CC- 

in 2015. Working as a Performance AASP professionals in countries such as Spain, France, Italy, The 

Enhancement Consultant since 1996, I Netherlands, Belgium, or Greece. Based upon the AASP website, 

have met the CC-AASP requirements among approximately 450 current CC-AASP professionals, 88% are Cristina

since 2004, the year I graduated with a American, 1% are Canadian, 2% European, and 9% are from the rest ROLO

PhD from The University of North Carolina of the world. These numbers intrigued me and lead me to search 

at Greensboro in the U.S. I had not
for reasons why there are such a low percentage of CC-AASP 

considered becoming CC-AASP in the past, as in Europe having this professionals outside of the U.S.

certiication did not provide extra beneits or increased professional 
The following testimonials include professionals who reside in multiple 
opportunities. When I became interested in returning and working 
countries and relect their personal experiences regarding CC-AASP. 

permanently in the U.S., I started considering applying, as U.S. For the purpose of openly sharing their personal perspectives, their 

positions in the ield often required (or preferred) applicants being CC- 
names remain anonymous.
AASP. This aspect led me to initiate the certiication process in 2013, 

which I did not anticipate would take such a considerable investment “In NORWAY, there is no current accreditation for sport psychologists. 

of my time, money and energy. Several roadblocks arose throughout I am registered with BPS and APA and use these organizations when I 

the process. Speciically, my Licensure and Masters degrees were work, but have held onto my AASP membership for all these years. I am 

unsure if I will get CC-AASP as it does not really make a difference.” 
awarded in Portugal many years prior (1995 and 1998), and documents 
Added another colleague working in Norway, “Getting certiied was 
being in a foreign language brought additional challenges as well. I 

appreciated the assistance and guidance provided by the CC-AASP easy for me as I had completed all my graduate education in the U.S.; 

Committee Chair during that period, Dr. Robert Harmison, to overcome thus, I had all course work and supervision requirements in place since 

the many obstacles I faced during the process.
1997. I just did not get certiied until 2012. Regarding applied work, I 

was doing that for over 10 years without being CC-AASP in Greece and 
When I earned CC-AASP status in 2015, I felt happy about the 
now in Norway. The value of CC-AASP only came based on the need to 

achievement, which I probably valued even more than other colleagues supervise students aspiring to become certiied.”

due to the efforts and the long period of time I invested in the process. 

After receiving CC-AASP status, I discovered that being a qualiied “In GREECE there is a Consultant Certiication System in place by the 

international professional in our area and being CC-AASP, by itself, national association for sport psychology, developed back in 2005 

does not qualify international candidates for being hired in the United considering the AASP and BASES systems.”

States, as they still need some institution to sponsor them to legally 
“In ZIMBABWE there is little knowledge of AASP and the CC-AASP 

work in the U.S.
certiication has no impact.”

At the time, I was surprised when I found out that I was the only
“In IRELAND, I don’t think there are any CC-AASP professionals and

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // The International Value of CC-AASP


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