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safe psychological space for building competence. These gains can
Professional Liability
be ampliied through the development of social capital that can help
youth create a bridge to education, jobs, and community stakeholders.
Insurance Offered
However, often in the absence of positive relationships, sport can
become an additional risk factor when athletes develop an addiction
to a maladaptive sport identity, are used by their coaches and family, by AASP
or are forced to play within an abusive sport system. Finally, sport can
remain value neutral, in which the larger social-ecological system
diminishes any positive or negative developmental impact of sport.
Moving forward, we are currently working to deconstruct the role AASP is proud to announce that we have
that the development of social capital plays in this process; we are
partnered with Healthcare Providers Service
also seeking to better understand how and when sport becomes a
distraction or escape for disadvantaged youth who are experiencing Organization (HPSO) to offer Professional
ongoing developmental trauma.
Liability Insurance for AASP Certified
Consultants (CC-AASP). To be eligible to apply,
you must be an AASP member and CC-AASP
Camiré, M., Trudel, P., & Forneris, T. (2009). High school athletes’ perspectives on
certified (Active status) or working toward
support, communication, negotiation and life skill development. Qualitative
Research in Sport and Exercise, 1, 72-88.
becoming AASP certified. Depending on the
Danish, S. J., & Nellen, V. C. (1997). New roles for sport psychologists: Teaching life
multiple variables used to determine risk and
skills through sport to at-risk youth. Quest, 49, 100-113.
thus rate it is hard to provide a pay range
Dubrow, J. K., & Adams, J. (2012). Hoop inequalities: Race, class and family structure
background and the odds of playing in the National Basketball Association.
scale. However, those who choose to submit
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 47, 43-59.
an application and obtain a quote are not
committed to purchasing insurance from HPSO.
Policies are per individual and a quote can be
obtained by emailing a completed application to
Ilya Pitin at
Application forms are available at
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Exploring Our Strengths and Our Future: A Sport-Based Youth Development Program in Southern Queens, New York