Page 15 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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Broadening Opportunities and Experiences with
AASP’s Student Diversity Conference Travel Grant
AASP Diversity Committee
The AASP Student Diversity Conference Travel Grant provides racially Jimena Gonzalez-Menendez, University of Denver
and ethnically diverse students with a developing interest in sport
“I learned not to be shy and seize the opportunity that I was given to
and exercise psychology (SEP) who have not previously attended an
attend this event. That is why I decided to approach the lecturers after
annual AASP conference the opportunity to do so.
their presentation, introduce myself, and chat with them to network
For the 2015 grant recipients, the award was an integral part of their and hopefully build a professional relationship in the future.”
learning experience and path into the sport and exercise psychology
ield. The students took advantage of each day by networking and Zenzi Hysmans, West Virginia University
immersing themselves in the diverse offering of sport and exercise “I am at the beginning of my journey, so, at this stage, it was important
psychology presentation topics. Here are some comments from the for me to meet people who are doing what I want to do and have
found success in this area. It was inspiring to see their passion and
be able to share my dreams with them. I also got to learn more about
Niteesa Brooks, Long Island University-Brooklyn
the sport for development initiatives that are taking shape all around
“Attending the conference put a spotlight on the person that I am, the world; from Wales and Uganda, to Tajikistan and New York, there
and not as an undergraduate student or a SEP student intern at Long are wonderful things going on everywhere. It is humbling to realize
Island University-Brooklyn. I was spotlighted as an African American that the sport for development network is a global one that is trying to
woman; this was made very apparent to me while I attended different impact many people and that I have the chance to perhaps be a small
workshops, symposiums, or lectures. When I looked around I was part of that.”
either the only African-American woman in the room or one of few.
Chelsea Rodriguez, Cal State Fullerton
Attending this conference allowed me to embrace myself as an
African American woman; I can add my touch of diverse experiences “My very irst workshop I went to was a panel discussion with
and knowledge to help others reach their goals in the SEP ield.”
women of different lifestyle backgrounds and races. Being a irst year
attendee, it was intimidating to see so many successful people in one
Sarah Espinosa, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
room, but, at the same time, it opened my eyes and motivated me to get
“Attending the 2015 AASP Conference reinforced my commitment and out of my comfort zone and make connections I might not have made
excitement to become an engaged member of the sport and exercise otherwise.”
psychology community. In particular, the Graduate Program and
The deadline to apply for the 2016 Student Diversity Conference
Internship Fair exposed me to remarkable, yet tangible, opportunities
Travel Grant is May 1, 2016. If you or someone you know would beneit
to study sport and exercise psychology at the doctoral level. At the
from this grant, learn more about the application process on the AASP
Graduate Program and Internship Fair, I was able to hear from students
and faculty members about the strengths and atmospheres of their
respective programs.”
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Students Beneit Greatly from AASP Student Diversity Conference Travel Grant