Page 22 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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AASP Financial News: Spring 2016

Financial Report from AASP Executive Board

As 2016 begins, so does the tenure of our new Secretary-Treasurer 

(Todd Gilson) and a new budget year for AASP. Presented in this report 

will be the 2015 iscal year-end igures, the 2016 approved budget, a 

comparison of AASP inancial performance over the past three years, 

and the most recent statement of AASP’s current assets.

For the 2016 budget, AASP has projected a modest $14,000 net proit at 

the end of the current year. AASP holds liquid assets equal to $739,462. 

It is worth noting that the Association increased membership dues in 

several categories for the irst time since 2011 to offset the cost of 

value-added beneits for members that have been adopted over the 

past few years (and with an eye on more to be added). While no one 

enjoys paying more for something they are accustom to, please note 

that the new amounts relect a mere 3-4% per year increase over the 

past ive years.

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // AASP Financial News: Spring 2016


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