Page 23 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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AASP has established a preference and policy for a minimum of would expect leadership to draw on a portion of these funds, with the 

one-year of operating expenses (not total budget) be held in reserve goal of growing the membership and advancing our mission in the 

to ensure the Association can survive if an unforeseen event were coming years.

to limit income generation for a period of time. We currently hold Thank you for the opportunity to serve AASP. Should you have 

assets greater than this threshold, which affords AASP the ability to 
questions, concerns, or suggestions related to the inancial activity 
pursue endeavors that can potentially strengthen the Association in 
of AASP, please contact Todd Gilson, AASP Secretary-Treasurer, at 
the future. To this end, a new cycle of strategic planning was recently
completed, and while many objectives were developed, the decision 

as to which initiatives to fund has not yet been made. As a result, we

2016 AASP Regional Conference Grant Recipients

California State University- Georgia Southern University University of Denver 

Johnson C. Smith University University of Illinois Chicago 

Eastern Washington University
Springield College University of North Texas

Temple University

Submission Deadlines: Applications for 2017 are due September 1, 2016. 

Notiication of awards will be sent approximately November 1, 2017.

To ind out more about the grants,

including criteria and how to apply, please visit:

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // AASP Financial News: Spring 2016


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