Page 3 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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President’s Message
Brent Walker, PhD, Columbia University
As AASP entered 2016, we embarked the process is to develop an Interim Certiication Council to create
on a new strategic plan that will carry policies for certiication and to develop an initial certiication exam.
us through the end of 2018. The current Please join me in thanking Jack Watson for all of his efforts on this
plan is broken into eight initiatives important endeavor.
that overlap with and expand upon the
Member Services Division Head
objectives contained in the 2011-2015 Brent
plan. Speciically, these initiatives With a desire to better understand and meet the needs of AASP
address the areas of: (a) education/ WALKER
members, Lani Lawrence (USC), has been appointed to the AASP
professional development, (b) job
Executive Board position of Member Services Division Head. Lani will
creation/development, (c) member
be in charge of analyzing member needs across AASP membership
retention and recruitment, (d) professional standards/certiication, types, as well as identifying and implementing recruitment and
(e) public relations/outreach, (f) publications/communications, (g) retention strategies for potential and current members. We look
research and practice, and (h) inance and administration. If you have forward to the great strides Lani will make for the Association in her
not done so already, please take a look at the full strategic plan (and its new position.
related objectives and goals), which is housed on the AASP website.
Professional Development
In the following sections, I am pleased to provide a glimpse into a few
of the many highlights taking place within AASP that are related to the Under the guidance of Research and Practice Division Head, Mark
strategic plan and its initiatives.
Aoyagi, AASP offered its second annual Virtual Conference in February.
Last year’s youth sport and this year’s elite sport virtual conferences
each served over 100 attendees. Moving forward, AASP is dedicated to
The CC-AASP certiication remains a core focus of the strategic offering a virtual conference and four continuing education-webinars
planning process. In order to get our certiication formally recognized each year.
by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) as a National
Thanks to the hard work of Publication/Information Division Head,
Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accredited certiication
Sarah Carson Sackett, the Editors and Editorial Board of Case Studies
program, the Future of Certiication Ad Hoc Committee, under the
in Sport and Exercise Psychology (CSSEP) have been selected.
guidance of Jack Watson, has been hard at work undertaking the
Submissions are currently being accepted, and the Human Kinetics
steps required to bring CC-AASP in alignment with NCCA standards.
online journal will debut later this year. We are excited to provide this
In 2015, AASP completed a job task analysis to identify the domains
new publication, which will be a resource for students, professors,
of practice, tasks performed, and knowledge required for effective
and practitioners alike.
performance as a sport psychology practitioner. The next step in
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // President’s Message