Page 4 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 4
Public Relations/Outreach
Betty Weibel is inalizing details for articles to appear in
partner organizations’ publications including the National
Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA), the
NCAA Sport Science Institute (SSI), and the American College
of Sports Medicine (ACSM). In another initiative, Jon Metzler,
AASP’s Strategic Liaison, along with our Executive Director,
Kent Lindeman, recently represented AASP at the Joint
Commission on Sports Medicine & Science Annual Meeting.
Jon served with leaders from multiple ields on a panel
entitled, Collegiate Sports in the 21st Century: Sports as Public
Health, A Strategic Focus on Mental Health. Jon will continue
to represent AASP at meetings with the goal of strengthening
AASP’s relationships with strategic partners.
Finally, AASP would like to thank the Graduate Coalition for
their continued efforts to enhance the training of professionals
in sport psychology. The work of the Coalition played an
inluential role in many of the strategic plan initiatives related to
graduate training, and we fully support the Graduate Coalition
Legal Title Group as they petition state boards to protect legal
titles related to sport psychology. Having protected titles tied
to CC-AASP would provide protection for our clients as well
as our ield. As we strengthen our certiication, we need
to consider issues such as this, as well as ways to make
the certiication process and outcome more appealing to
practitioners. There is room for improvement as only a small
percentage of full-time practitioners serving in agencies that
have embraced sport psychology (less than 20% in Major
League Baseball and 45% in NCAA institutions) are CC-AASP.
In closing, it is promising to see such great work being
conducted across our Association that is already aligned
with the vision of our 2016-2018 Strategic Plan. I look forward
to seeing other initiatives come to fruition, and I hope to see
everyone at the Arizona Grand Resort for our 31st Annual
Conference in sunny Phoenix, September 28th to October 1st.
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // President’s Message