Page 6 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 6

Editor’s Note

Tanya R. Prewitt-White, PhD, CC-AASP, Adler University

has determined the newsletter is intended to the status of students’ perspectives on the 

educate and inform the AASP membership value, needs, and interests of AASP as they 

regarding pertinent topics and developments pertain to student experience as well as a 

within the organization, as well as the general response call to action. Next, AASP Travel 

ield of Sport and Exercise Psychology. AASP and Research Grant awardees share their 

members are the publication’s consumer experiences and abstracts of their work 

market, as well as the key contributors; related to the opportunities provided through 

thus, moving forward, only members will grant monies. Instructors and educators in the 
have access to the newsletter on the AASP ield will ind a contribution on utilizing Visual 

website. In this light, AASP Newsletter Teaching Strategies (VTS), an innovative 
articles in future publications will include, teaching method to effectively engage 

but are not limited to, AASP E-Board Reports, students in the classroom. As always, the 

Ethical Issues in the Field, AASP Grant/Award inancial status of the Organization is provided 

Winner Abstracts and Relections, Special in the Spring 2016 Financial Report. Lastly, the 
“Change is the law of life. And those 
Interest Group (SIG) Topic Papers, and inaugural Young Writer’s Corner has been 
who only look to the past or present 
Teacher, Researcher and Practitioner Corner integrated in the present newsletter with the 
are certain to miss the future.”
intention of providing student members the 

opportunity to share their knowledge and 
The Newsletter Committee trusts you will 

experience as students and professionals 
ind articles of interest to you in the present 
We have exciting changes to provide you while also developing their writing arsenals.
publication. Brent Walker, our AASP 

regarding the dissemination of the newsletter. President, begins by sharing highlights of If you have ideas for future contributions or 

Beginning August 1st, the AASP Newsletter the Organization’s strategic plan. In addition, suggestions for our Newsletter Committee, 

will transition from being distributed three membership will appreciate a fascinating please contact me at 

times per calendar year to a monthly contribution on the experience of conducting Enjoy the publication, the changes spring 

publication of articles. In line with the 
exercise research with incarcerated women. brings, and be on the lookout for the monthly 
strategic plan, our committee has deined the 
Members of the Student Development dissemination of the newsletter beginning 

newsletter’s purpose to the Organization, and
Committee provide an informative report on
later this summer!


Sebastian Brueckner, Olympic Training Center Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland - Tadhg MacIntyre, University of Limerick - Kim Rogers, Oregon State University

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Editor’s Note


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