Page 14 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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AASP ambassadors with networks and knowledge about their of AASP internationally.
respective countries may have a crucial role in accomplishing the
Lastly, regarding initiative 2 Job Creation/Development (AASP Strategic
desired goals included in the Public Relations/Outreach Initiative (AASP
Plan, 2016-2018), it is my irm belief that AASP and its members can be
Strategic Plan, 2016-2018) as well as bridging the gap between AASP of great support for highly regarded and active international CC-AASP
and other foreign associations and institutions. AASP ambassadors’
professionals when they are trying to create job opportunities for
goal is to work collaboratively towards professional certiication, to
themselves in the U.S.
promote best practices in our ield, as well as to increase the visibility
Maximizing Online Presence via AASP Website and
Social Media
Yopko Penhallurick
As a member of AASP, you can maximize your online presence and reach potential clients, media, and organizations looking for
speakers through the AASP website and social media platforms. Here are a few tips:
Keep your Proile in the Consultant Finder Up-to-Date
The Certiied Consultant Finder is used by the public to locate professionals by geographic location and specialty. Keep your contact
information up-to-date and include as many details, including your biography, as possible to promote yourself.
Make AASP Social Media Content Your Content
If you are looking for more content, share posts from the AASP Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to increase public awareness and
following. Post content from the AASP Resource Center and Media Center on your own website (and credit the source), and consider
offering your content to AASP in the form of blog posts, podcasts, interviews, or videos that may generate interesting conversation.
Remember Communication is a Two-Way Street
Comment on posts you share or that AASP shares to interact with your peers and the public. Like comments so you are recognized.
Consult AASP Member Resources on the Website if You are Unsure How to Engage
For more social media tips and best practices, visit the AASP Member Marketing Toolkit in the member section of the website and click
on the marketing tip sheets tab:
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // The International Value of CC-AASP