Page 26 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 26

Student Representatives’ Report

Dolores Christensen, MS, Springield College

Stacy Gnacinski, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Happy Spring, 2016 AASP student members! It has been a busy winter for AASP, and we are excited 

to share with you some of the progress made with regard to student membership beneits. As many of 

you already know, the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan (SP) was recently disseminated to the membership. We 

encourage all student members to review this document. For those of you who may not know, the SP is 

the document that will inform all of the AASP leadership’s decision-making processes through 2018. We 

want to highlight the renewed focus on student development within this three-year SP, with particular 

emphasis on providing support to students as they transition into early career professionals (e.g., job 
creation, networking). In the sections below, we have highlighted some of the main changes and updates 

relevant to AASP student members since our last newsletter.

Student Membership – Reduced Fees in 2016

As many of you are aware, AASP has oficially reduced its student membership fee by 15% (from $99 to $75 

per year). This change in the student membership fee not only relects the AASP leadership’s appreciation 

for the inancial burden of higher education, but also their prioritization of student development as a 

means of advancing the sport, exercise, and performance psychology ields.

AASP Student Membership Beneits

As AASP members, we highly encourage each of you to take advantage of the many membership beneits 

geared speciically toward students’ training and career development (http://www.appliedsportpsych. 

org/students-center/). For example, AASP offers a number of video resources geared toward student 

development in consulting and research. Most recently added to this resource page is the AASP/APA 

Division 47 (The Society for Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology), co-sponsored student webinar 

entitled, “From Preparation to Competition: Exploring Student-Athlete Mental Health”. Dr. Jessica Mohler, 

CC-AASP delivered this webinar in November of 2015 to students involved in various training programs in 

applied sport, exercise, and performance psychology.

AASP Annual Conference Preview – An Enhanced Focus on Student Development

In collaboration with the Student Development Committee and the Conference Planning Committee, GNACINSKI

AASP will be scheduling additional student-focused, professional development programming at the 

AASP 31st Annual Conference, September 28 – October 1, 2016, in Phoenix, Arizona. The student-focused 

programming will (tentatively) be aimed at: networking opportunities, CC-AASP certiication process

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Student Representatives’ Report


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