Page 27 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
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knowledge, workshops on content knowledge areas in consulting the viability of two new initiatives: Undergraduate Connections
(e.g., working memory, biofeedback, neuropsychology, mindfulness, and Best Practices in Consulting. The Undergraduate Connections
motor control), workshops on intervention techniques to enhance initiative will be speciically focused on increasing undergraduate
sport performance in athletes, and conducting research in sport, membership and involvement within the organization and at the
exercise, and performance psychology.
AASP Annual Conference, while Best Practices in Consulting
will be focused on illuminating the importance of and developing
Upcoming Regional Conferences and Events
resources for enhancing evidence-based service delivery. Other
Stay up to date with the upcoming regional conferences and events student initiatives (
initiatives) continue to generate resources for students to use in
supported by AASP (
Regional conferences are a low-cost and high-gain opportunity for their professional training and development. For example, the Best
students to network with others in the ield and gain experience in Practices in Research initiative has already produced two resources
presentations and research dissemination. Be sure to visit each for students on research ethics and institutional review board
host institution’s website to learn more about how you can attend applications in 2015, and will produce additional research-related
and present your work and connect with fellow students and resources in 2016 (
center/initiatives/best-practices-in-research-bpr/). Stay tuned!
professionals in the ield. Regional conferences slated for this spring
include the following:
Get Involved!
• Southeast Regional Conference, Johnson C. Smith University,
If you are interested in getting more involved as a student member,
Charlotte, NC, April 1-2, 2016
we encourage you to consider the following options:
• Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Temple University,
1. Join the virtual conversation on Facebook by sending a
Philadelphia, PA, April 1-2, 2016
request to the AASP Student Facebook Group! This resource
• Northwest Regional Conference, Eastern Washington
is a beneit to student members only, so if your full name is
University, Cheney, WA, April 8-9, 2016
not visible on your Facebook username, please send a direct
• Southwest Regional Conference, University of Denver, Denver, request to Mike Clark, Chair of Website & Social Media, at
CO, April 8-9, 2016 to gain access.
• South Central Regional Conference, The University of North 2. Purchase the Graduate Program Directory (11th edition). Since
Texas, Denton, TX, April 22-23, 2016
its publication in January 2015, nearly 500 prospective students
worldwide have purchased the latest Directory - more than
• West Regional Conference, California State University –
Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, April 22-23, 2016
any previous edition. As expected, prospective students have
opted for the online version where they can easily search the
• Northeast Regional Conference, Springield College,
database for important program information on master and
Springield, MA, April 29-30, 2016
doctoral training programs. Get your copy today!
Student Delegate and Initiative Update
If you have an idea to improve the student experience in AASP or
would like more information on how to get involved, please feel free
In 2016, a record-high number of Student Delegates will be working
to advance the resources available to student members. As part to contact either of us at
of this advancement, Student Delegates are currently exploring
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Student Representatives’ Report