Page 28 - Spring 2016 Newsletter
P. 28
Young Writer’s Corner:
Tips for Students and Mentors on
the Research Publication Process
Alan Chu, MEd, University of North Texas
Joanna M. Foss, MA, University of Missouri
Alan Joanna M.
do a project/thesis.” With this mindset, As students and professionals in the ield, times. Upon submission to a journal, reviewers
some students may try to ind something there are many elements to consider when will read the submission and critique the
quick or easy to research, rather than undertaking the process of publishing research. writing, organization, methodology, and
establish originality in work. Nevertheless, This process can seem daunting at irst, but it statistical analysis of the manuscript.
regardless of academic discipline, as can be a rewarding experience and a great Reviewers will then make decisions for the
student researchers, a primary goal is to opportunity for learning through persistent manuscript, including outright rejection,
demonstrate how we can advance current effort. As current students, we do not profess rejection with the suggestion for submission
knowledge and make unique contributions. to be experts on the process. However, we to other journals, acceptance with the
A journal editor, Hagger (2013), states that would like to share some experiences and option for resubmission after revisions,
“doing original research well and having knowledge to assist students and mentors in or accepting the article outright (which is
new and original ideas are the most their research endeavors. Speciically, we rare). Although reviewers’ intentions are
important elements to getting published” will share information regarding originality in to critique the manuscript rather than the
(p. S1). Instead of asking yourself why you research, collaborations with mentors and writers themselves, the critical feedback
are spending time conducting research, colleagues, and the peer review process.
can elicit negative emotions and reactions,
more beneicial questions may be “Why considering the time and effort that many
Originality in Research
and how is my research important? What authors have placed in the original document.
can I add to the existing knowledge with The publication process begins long before We encourage authors to maintain a growth
my work?” In addition to critical literature one starts writing an article or even collecting mindset (Dweck, 2006) with regards to the
reviews, one effective way that can help process. Rather than expecting the initial
data. It actually begins from the moment one
you ind those answers is working with starts thinking about a research idea. Most submission to be a inished product, it is more
other professionals.
students may have asked themselves, “Why realistic to view the submitted manuscript as
am I spending time doing this research?” a work-in-progress. Feedback can then be
Peer Review
One common answer to this question is, incorporated to make the article stronger for
The peer review process can be dificult at
“My advisor/department requires me to
resubmission or for submission to a different
AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Young Writer’s Corner: Tips for Students on the Process of Research Publication