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journal. Additionally, incorporating feedback can highlight areas for researchers who are interested in learning about group writing, Ryan 

growth in both research design and writing in the future.
(2012) details three different collaborative models that provide insight 

on publishing in teams.

How Professional Members Can Help

Research mentors can play a crucial role, especially for a beginning 

graduate student, in understanding the research and publication We encourage students who are seeking publication experience to 

processes. However, there can be signiicant challenges in research submit abstracts to the Performance Excellence Movement (PEM) 

supervision if mutual expectations have not been developed and this year. PEM is a publication written and edited by AASP student 

communicated. Clear and early conveyance of thoughts and ideas members that seeks to increase awareness of the application in sport 

between a mentor and a mentee-in-training can help both parties plan and exercise psychology. It serves as a great opportunity for students 

ahead a timeline and complete the necessary tasks to achieve the to practice writing abstracts, integrating theory and practice within 

inal goal of publishing. Shore (2007) created a research supervision their work, and undergoing the editing process. Please do not hesitate 

contract, which allows both mentor and mentee to examine a variety of to reach out to Alan Chu ( and Joanna Foss 

possible responsibilities and expectations for publication. Additionally, ( if there are any questions about PEM 

mentors can provide valuable information on the journal selection and or about anything discussed in this article. Previous editions of PEM 

publishing process, because they tend to be more familiar with journal can be viewed at 

impact factors, audiences, and topics of interest.

Mentors can also assist the mentee by connecting them with others 
who have similar interest areas. Joining a research writing group 

and collaborating with fellow students and faculty is a good way to Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random 

“get your foot in the door” of publishing. Collaborating with young but House.

experienced researchers can add an additional layer of mentorship Hagger, M. S. (2013). What reviewers want: How to make your article more appealing 

into the process, allowing beginning researchers to learn from the to peer reviewers. Health Psychology Reviews, 7(1), S1–S7.

experiences of someone who was recently in their position. Another 
Ryan, M. D. (2012). Writing and publishing research articles in teams. Australian 
beneit of being in research teams is the opportunity to co-author with 
Journal of Communication, 39(3), 143–160.

others, which increases both productivity and writing proiciency by Shore, B. M. (2007, April). Mutual expectations regarding research supervision. 

distributingwritingtasksandlearninghowtoeditothers’work.And, Retrieved from 

of course, we tend to hold others as well as ourselves accountable gradsupervision/shore_supervision_contract.docx.

by being part of a group and setting goals together. For beginning

AASP Newsletter // Spring 2016 // Young Writer’s Corner: Tips for Students on the Process of Research Publication


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