AASP is the premier association that ensures every performer has the resources to strengthen their inner edge through the advancement and application of excellence in mental performance and mental health. To do that we cultivate an inclusive field of Certified Mental Performance Consultants® (CMPCs), licensed mental health professionals, educators, and researchers. Because when we research, train, and serve performers’ complete mental needs, we elevate their ability to perform and thrive.
Learn more about AASP, the Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC) certification, and our work optimizing mental performance.
Elevating human performance and well-being
AASP members work with people of every age and skill level across the performance spectrum to strengthen their “inner edge” and realize their greatest potential. We serve performers in sport, exercise, tactical, business, arts, and medical populations.
AASP offers resources and publications aimed at keeping members on the cutting edge of the applied practice and science of sport and performance psychology. AASP is the only place to earn the accredited CMPC. This certification validates professionals' expertise in helping performers develop and strengthen their mental, self-regulatory, and life skills to optimize performance, enjoyment, and personal development.
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Recent Podcasts
High Performance Mindset with Dr. Cindra Kamphoff, CMPC - The Science of Burnout and How to Prevent It with Dr. Peter OlusogaAASP & Answered with Drs. Megan Byrd and Brandonn Harris, CMPCs - A Conversation with AASP's 8th President, Dr. Jean Williams
Restoration Beyond the Couch: The Synergy of Performance Psychology and Success with Dr. Tracy Carrington, CMPC
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