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Distinguished Applied Practitioner Award

Funded by the AASP Foundation

This award is designated for applied sport psychology practitioners who demonstrate excellence and longevity in the field of sport psychology. The purpose is to recognize those individuals who are established and thriving within the field. Although similar, this award is different than the Dorothy Harris Memorial Award: (a) a doctorate is not required, (b) it is for practitioners who have been in the field for a minimum of 15 years post-graduation and (c) a demonstration of traditional scholarship is not required, though examples of engaging in the scientist-practitioner framework is welcomed. Applicant practitioners may be creative about how they demonstrate “excellence” in the field.

Award Criteria

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  1. Professional member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). Minimum of 15 years post-graduation from last degree.
  2. Be an Active Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC).
  3. Have exhibited excellence and longevity in applied sport psychology practice. Longevity may include but not be limited to having a strong history of applied practice, an established and consistent private practice, long-term involvement in applied practice within performance settings, etc.

Submission Guidelines

Any AASP member may nominate (or self-nominate) an AASP member for this award.

The nomination materials should include:

  1. Detailed information about the person’s work within applied sport psychology practice. This may include a self-statement and up to two statements of support from others knowledgeable about member’s engagement and longevity in applied practice, etc.
  2. Each statement submitted may be no more than two (2) pages single-spaced.
  3. Submission of a resume/curriculum vitae is required.

A three-person subcommittee from the AASP Foundation, including at least one AASP student member, will review the application(s).

A plaque, cash award of $250 (paid by AASPF), and waiver of the conference registration fee for that year’s conference (paid by AASPF) will be awarded at the annual conference. 

*Deadline for this award: March 1 of each year.

View a list of past Distinguished Applied Practitioner recipients