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Featured CE Workshops

Each program below has been approved for 3.0 CEUs to partially meet the continuing education recertification requirement for Certified Mental Performance Consultants® (CMPC). 

Register for the workshops at the time of conference registration. These workshops are availble only to in-person conference attendees. Fees are as follows, per 3-hour workshop:

Student Member: $60  
Professional Member: $80  
Non-Member: $100                                                      

Wednesday, October 23
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Continuing Education for Sport Psychology Training: How to Maximize the Mentor-Mentee Relationship 
Marie Esther Winter, PhD, University Campus of Football Business
3.0 CEUs in the area of Mentorship/Supervision 

Open to both mentors and trainees, this session aims to bring the CMPC mentor guidelines to life as attendees explore constructivist learning approaches to strengthen the mentor-mentee relationship. The session will be fully integrative as both mentors and trainees will contribute to the knowledge construction process. Trainees will be paired with a mentor to work through the activities in a mock supervision session. It is encouraged that mentors attend with their trainee(s) for both parties to gain first hand development of their mentor-mentee relationship, however this is not a necessity.  The session will be split into three sections: Firstly, attendees will explore the specific skills and knowledge trainees need to develop to become confident, competent, and independent decision-makers. Secondly, attendees will trial different constructivist teaching techniques that facilitate the learning process within supervision. This will involve an epistemological repositioning of supervisory roles. Rather than learning 'from' mentors, trainees will learn 'with' mentors as they take on the central role in mediating their development, and mentors will play an active role in facilitating this process. Finally, the session will focus on group mentorship, providing education on how it fosters trainee development, and guidelines for building supervisory networks.  


Competition, Conflict and Culture: A Roadmap to Managing Conflict in Sports Using Traditional and Culturally Relevant Techniques
Mary Foston-English, MA, LMFT, CMPC, The Next Level & John Brown, MS, LMFT, The Next Level
3.0 CEUs in the area of Diversity 

A presenter talked about a workshop on “Conflict” that was scheduled for the last day and last time slot at a conference, and how this left them believing their workshop was not worthy to be included during prime conference times and few would attend since conflict is a topic that has been researched mostly in organizational psychology and less in sport psychology (Fesperman, 2022). The presenter also shared that once they switched to a growth mindset and visualized their self as an anchor on a relay team trusted with the task to finish strong, their performance and outcome was positive! This story exemplifies the effectiveness of utilizing a growth mindset to improve performance (Dweck, 2015). Designed as an interactive workshop, it is for anyone motivated to decrease their conflict avoidance using a growth mindset. It is for individuals who have some experience managing conflicts in sport and interested in the applied skills of managing and mediating conflicts. Participants will work in small groups to learn the fundamentals and skills needed to manage and mediate conflicts. Presenters will also introduce two types of culturally relevant conflict management/resolution techniques, “Peacemaking Circles" and EMBRACE© that combines cultural humility with restitution (Wolf, 2012).


Social Meditation and the Elite Athlete
Peter Haberl, EdD, CMPC, Peter Haberl, LLC
3.0 General CEUs 

The objective of this workshop is to introduce and educate the participants in the application of social meditation with elite athletes. The target audience are CMPC’s and AASP members who have a background in mindfulness and an interest in working with elite athletes as well as elite team sports. Traditionally, meditation is practiced in silence, often alone, or by following a guided script. Social meditation, as opposed to traditional silent meditation, are a family of meditation practices that are done socially, and aloud. Social meditation amplifies our ability to stay on task during meditation. Participants will learn, through instruction, practice and discussion, the why, how, what, and when of social meditation and how the instructor uses these techniqes with Olympic athletes in the lead up and at the Olympic Games. These social noting techniques lend themselves to team sport athletes. This workshop will be very participatory. Attendees will get to expereince, practice and debrief a variety of social meditation practices, with a focus on concentration, awareness, equanimity, and gratitude and learn how these techniques can be applied with elite athletes and discuss how these techniques might be applicable in their own work.

Thursday, October 24
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Narrative as a Diversity Tool to Explore Intersectional Identities and Empower our Athletes
Rebecca Busanich, PhD, St. Catherine University
3.0 CEUs in the area of Diversity 

This workshop will focus on how narratives can be a useful tool in cultural sport & performance psychology practice. As a vessel that both holds and creates social and cultural meanings, narratives provide a window into the complexity of self-identity and the ways in which race, gender, class, sexuality, and age (among other identity categories) are constructed and experienced by the individuals that we work with. As such, narratives can also be used as a tool through which practitioners can help individuals reconstruct their identities and experiences in healthier and more empowering ways. Participants of this workshop will learn about intersectional identities tied to power, what narratives are, how narratives have been used in both research and practice settings, how to critically read sport/exercise narratives to see the dominant and narrowed ways in which race, gender, class, sexuality and age are constructed culturally, and how to help individuals resist and challenge problematic narratives and reconstruct healthier and more empowering personal narratives. Through this workshop, participants will become more aware of sociocultural identities, narrative as a diversity tool, and learn ways to develop narrative resources within their own practice.


Playing by the Rules: Utilizing the Mindful Action Plan as an Ethics Guide in Sport Psychology
DJ Moran, PhD, Touro University/Pickslyde Consulting
3.0 CEUs in the area of Professional Ethics

This workshop is for sports psychologists seeking to enhance their ethical decision-making skills and consultation proficiencies while integrating Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) principles and the Mindful Action Plan into practice. It is suitable for coaches, counselors, and athletic professionals. The objectives of this workshop are understanding the principles of ACT and its relevance to ethical decision-making in sports psychology, exploring dilemmas commonly faced by sports psychologists and learn how ACT can inform ethical responses, and enhancing self-awareness and mindfulness to navigate ethical challenges with compassion and integrity. The methods will include an introduction to ACT with an overview of the six core processes and their application in sports psychology followed by a discussion of ethical decision-making.  We will then discuss ethical dilemmas in psychology and integrating ACT from a professional viewpoint. There will be role-plays, case studies, mindfulness activities, and experiential exercises.  In addition, we’ll engage in ethical reflection including group discussions to enhance awareness of personal values and ethical boundaries. The workshop employs different pedagogical methods to engage participants in active learning. Participants will have the opportunity to practice ACT techniques, receive feedback, and collaborate with peers to develop ethical decision-making skills tailored to their professional context.


What's Next: Supporting the Within Sport Transitions from Athlete to Coach
Kristen Dieffenbach, PhD, Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Sciences at West Virginia University & Stiliani 'Ani' Chroni, PhD, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
3.0 General CEUs 

The role of the coach is central to athlete initiation, development, performance, sport satisfaction, and well-being (Lafrenière et al., 2011). The commonly traveled pathway into coaching from sport participation is a seemingly logical progression for many based on the assumption ‘you played, therefore you can coach’. This pathway allows them to bring lived experiences and system knowledge, but this within sport transition is often lacking the additional training and support necessary to ensure individuals have the knowledge and skills needed to be effective and thrive as educators, developers, and leaders. At times, some individuals also fast-track into their coaching harmful behaviors they normalized during their athlete career days (McMahon et al., 2020). The recent U.S. Congressional Commission report on the Olympic and Paralympic movement released in March 2024, the National Youth Sport Strategy (HHS, 2019), and the Aspen Institute’s State of Play (2023) place central focus on the call to support sport coach education and coach development to help safeguard athletes, enrich the athletic experience, and create a healthy experience for the individuals coaching. This workshop focuses on exploring the role and work that sport and exercise psychology consultants can play in preparing and supporting the athlete to coach transition.