Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology
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Edited by Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) members Sebastian Brueckner, Alan Chu, and Dolores Christensen, the 13th Edition of the Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology offers a wealth of information on master's and doctoral degree programs worldwide. To help engage readers/prospective grad students with the information provided and meet them where they are at, key new features have been included in this 13th Edition of the Directory. Those updates have been to:
- Revamp the appendices from previous editions to provide a 17-chapter eBook with new chapters related to:
- Diverse career and educational paths based on recent developments within our field
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Self-care
- Ethics
- Licensure and certification in the US and abroad
- Diversify the author groups to include student voices, international perspectives, and practitioners in our field from diverse backgrounds, identities, and training and career journeys
- Increase the number of international programs represented in the Directory for students to find and consider in their graduate school options
- Emphasize the voices of various professionals “doing the job” in different contexts through an interview Q&A included as one of the new appendices
- Incorporate experiential and reflection exercises in each chapter, as well as using an interactive eBook format, to better engage student-readers
- Update and enhance the online form that Graduate Program Directors fill out twice per year, based on valuable feedback from current graduate faculty
- Move the Directory to an online-only format for the 13th (and future) editions
The 13th Edition allows for easy and powerful searches by:
- State/Province or Country
- Department Affiliation (Kinesiology, Psychology, Counseling, Education/Professional Studies)
- Degree Type (Master's, Doctoral, or Both)
- Research and/or Applied Descriptions
- Percentage of Students Who Receive Funding/Assistantship
- Online or Distance Learning Instruction
- If the Program Prepares Students to Be a Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC)
The 13th Edition is now available as an online-only subscription for $39.99!