Members Area


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Work Information

Preferred Mailing Address

Please enter a preferred mailing address if different than your work address.

Membership Type

Membership Type One Year Two Years
$199.00 $358.00
$99.00 $179.00
$149.00 $268.00
$74.00 $133.00
$125.00 $225.00
$62.00 $112.00
$85.00 $153.00
$42.00 $75.00

AASP membership runs on a calendar year basis and is effective January 1 through December 31. Membership applications may be submitted year-round, however, please note the following:

  • New applications submitted between January 1 and October 31 are effective for the current calendar year. Applicants will receive all publications mailed since January 1, and will be invoiced in late Fall for the following years dues.
  • New applications submitted between November 1 and December 31 are good through the end of the following calendar year.

1 Persons applying for the Emerging Country membership type must be currently residing and working in an emerging country, as defined annually by the World Bank.

2 Persons in the first or second year following completion of all requirements for a Masters or doctoral degree from an accredited institution in a field related to sport psychology (e.g. kinesiology, psychology, counseling, etc.).

Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (JASP)

How Do You Prefer to Receive It?

AASP is going green through increased online distribution of research and educational materials, including our flagship journal JASP. If you wish to opt out of receiving a printed journal, please select “Online Access Only” below.

Foundation Donation

If you would like to contribute to the AASP Foundation, select an amount below to be added to you membership dues.

Or enter a different amount ($10 minimum).



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AASP Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy

AASP is a welcoming, safe, professional community for our members and others with an interest in Sport and Performance Psychology.

Incivility and harassment create a hostile environment that reduces the quality, integrity, and pace of our profession. It marginalizes individuals and communities, damages productivity and career advancement, and prevents the healthy exchange of ideas. AASP members are expected to contribute to an environment that is welcoming, inclusive, safe, open, and professional. AASP members are expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of professional behavior, with honesty and integrity, and treat others with equity, fairness, and respect.

Thus, all AASP members must abide by and are subject to the AASP Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If incivility is experienced in the context of the annual conference or any AASP activity, the Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy provides recourse for the impacted individual(s). Please contact the Civility Resolution Committee (i.e., AASP President, President Elect, Past President, DEIBJ Division Head, and the Professional Standards Division Head) or the Executive Director, Kent Lindeman.

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