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2025 Continuing Education Workshop Submissions

The submission deadline is Monday, March 17.

AASP is now accepting Continuing Education (CE) Workshop Proposals for the 40th Annual Conference, October 15-18, 2025 in Montréal. CE workshops will be in-person only.

Please note, priority will be given to proposals in the three required CE areas for Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC) recertification: Professional Ethics, Diversity, and Mentorship/Supervision.

To submit a proposal for 2025, please review all the information provided below, then click on the Application Form menu item.

Purpose, Design & Structure

Continuing Education Workshops at the AASP Annual Conference are designed to provide in-depth educational experiences and assist CMPCs in meeting recertification requirements. Workshops are 3 hours in length, and should specifically address one or more of the following:

Required CE Areas - priority will be given to submissions in these three areas:

  • Professional Ethics
  • Diversity
  • Mentorship/Supervision

CMPC Knowledge Areas

  • K1: Professional Ethics and Standards
  • K2: Sport Psychology
  • K3: Sport Science
  • K4: Psychopathology
  • K5: Helping Relationships
  • K6: Statistics and Research Methods
  • K7: Psychological Foundations of Behavior
  • K8: Diversity & Culture

Critical Considerations
Workshops must emphasize learning objectives and outcomes and be designed such that these objectives and outcomes are thoroughly met. Workshops must be experiential and interactive. Workshops that do not greatly extend beyond strictly a lecture format are not really workshops and are thus unacceptable for the purpose of this continuing education opportunity. AASP strongly encourages submissions that are highly interactive, appeal to practitioners, educators or students and that involve more than one presenter.


The presentation of each Continuing Education Workshop requires specific collaboration between presenters and AASP staff. The responsibilities assumed by all parties are outlined below.

Presenter Responsibilities:

  • Design a workshop that provides an in-depth educational experience on a topic relevant to applied sport psychology that is both experiential and interactive with clear learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Read and complete a Conflict of Interest Statement.
  • Develop appropriate workshop materials (e.g., handouts for participants).
  • Conduct a workshop that meets the predetermined learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Notify the AASP Continuing Education Chair of any changes in address or contact information for presenter(s)
  • Ensure that the first author, who must also be the primary presenter, is a current member of AASP at the time of proposal submission.
  • Submit a reimbursement form documenting lodging and per diem expenses post-conference.

Organizational Responsibilities:

  • Provide professional, developmental, and technical assistance.
  • Prepare and disseminate publicity materials.
  • Establish registration fees and determine deadlines.
  • Collect registration fees and process registration materials.
  • Collect, dispense, and account for all funds.
  • Make the final determination (based on the number of pre-registered participants) whether the workshop will be held.
  • Notify the presenter, participants, and the workshop facility in the event of cancellation.
  • Collect, summarize, and distribute the program evaluations.
  • Make arrangements with the facility for room set-up and audio-visual equipment.
  • Manage A/V and room setup on-site.


Workshops may occur on the following days/times:

  • Wednesday, October 15: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 16: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Conference Planning Committee will schedule workshops. Workshops may be canceled if they have less than ten registrants 30 days prior to the workshop date.


3-hour workshop: $250 (per workshop, not per presenter)

AASP's Meeting Manager will process a check for honoraria at the conclusion of the conference.

Reimbursable Lodging and Other Expenses

Specific expenses eligible for reimbursement are outlined below:

1. Lodging
Lodging expenses are eligible for reimbursement only if the workshop is conducted on Wednesday morning. In the case of workshops with one presenter, one night's lodging (Tuesday night) at the prevailing conference hotel rate for single occupancy may be reimbursed. In the case of workshops with two or more presenters, one night's lodging (Tuesday night) at the prevailing conference hotel rate for double occupancy may be reimbursed. When two rooms are necessary, presenters must incur the cost of one room.

2. Per Diem
Per diem expenses are eligible for reimbursement only if the workshop is conducted on Wednesday. One full day's per diem of $50 per presenter for up to two presenters may be reimbursed. If more than two presenters are involved, it is the responsibility of the presenters to divide up the lodging and per diem as they see fit.

3. Workshop Materials
Reproduction of up to $75 worth of handouts or other workshop materials are eligible for reimbursement. 

Original receipts for incurred expenses must be submitted with the reimbursement request to AASP's Meeting Manager after the conference.


The evaluation of the workshop content, organization and format, and knowledge and skills of the presenters are important to the development of a quality Continuing Education Program. To this end, AASP solicits evaluations from participants at the end of each workshop. The information derived from the evaluations is shared with the presenters and is used to assist in improving the quality of future workshop programs and activities.

Merchandising of Materials

Continuing Education Workshops are designed to educate participants on a variety of topics related to applied sport psychology. In keeping with this focus, we encourage you to provide a bibliography of relevant resources for participants. However, it is inappropriate to engage in merchandising of specific texts, materials, and services and we ask that you refrain from doing so.

If you would like to be a Conference Exhibitor for books, services, or other materials, please contact Stephanie Garwood, AASP's Meeting Manager or see our Conference Exhibitor Page.

Cancellation by Presenters

Continuing Education Workshops provide an important service to the AASP membership and Certified Mental Performance Consultants® (CMPCs) who are required to obtain CE credit as part of their recertification. In addition, because of scheduling and budget demands and the number of participants involved, it is imperative that all presenters adhere to their professional and ethical commitments to the organization. To this end, any presenter who withdraws from the program (aside from documented medical emergencies) after June 15, 2025 will be banned from all AASP Conference programming for a period of two (2) years. Special circumstances will be treated on a case by case basis by the AASP Past President, Scientific Program Division Head, and Continuing Education Committee Chair.


AASP is committed to the promotion and understanding of diversity within our field. Strong Continuing Education Workshops reflect this spirit. Please contact members of the AASP Diversity Committee if you have questions about how to integrate diversity issues into your workshop.

Review of Workshop Proposals

Carefully review your workshop proposal for completeness. Proposals that are more detailed and follow the above guidelines are more likely to be reviewed favorably. Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the AASP Continuing Education Committee according to the following criteria:

  • Timeliness/Relevance of Topic
  • Need for/Interest in Topic
  • Completeness of Proposed Program
  • Quality of Proposed Program
  • Qualifications/Expertise of Presenter(s)
  • Marketability of Proposed Program
  • Final decisions on accepted Continuing Education Workshops are made after the Spring Executive Board meeting and submitters will be notified by June 1.


If you have any questions about any CE Workshop related details, please contact Stephanie Garwood, AASP's Meeting Manager.

Application Form

Download the CE Workshop Application

All continuing education proposals must be submitted using the application. Submissions must be typed.  

Carefully review your workshop proposal for completeness. Proposals that are more detailed and follow the above guidelines are more likely to be reviewed favorably. Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the AASP Continuing Education Committee according to the following criteria: Timeliness and relevance of topic, completeness and quality of proposed program, need for and interest in the topic, and qualifications/expertise of the presenters. Submitters will be notified by June 1, 2025.

Please e-mail your application to Lauren Tashman, Continuing Education Committee Chair, by March 17, 2025.

Helpful Hints for Planning Your Workshop

Based on past feedback, please keep in mind the following participant recommendations for your workshop:

  • Use your time wisely.
    • Do not put in so much content that participants do not have time for questions or discussions
    • Incorporate breaks into your sessions
  • Avoid a lecture style workshop—break up your information frequently with the use of:
    • Small group discussions
    • Hands on activities
    • Videos
  • Include in your workshop:
    • Practical strategies
    • Examples of application
    • Handouts
    • Consider directed readings that can be distributed prior to the workshop
  • During the workshop
    • Avoid self-promotion
    • Do not spend too much time on theory that most participants already know-they are interested in 
    • Keep control of your session--do not allow questions and participant stories to side track your workshop