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Oglesby-Snyder Grant for Equity and Cultural Diversity

>> Click here to access the 2024 Oglesby-Snyder Grant Application

Through generous support from The MARGARET Fund (May All Resolve, Girls Achieve Real Equity Today Fund), created by Deborah Slaner Larkin, the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) presents a research grant, the "Oglesby-Snyder Grant for Equity and Cultural Diversity." The grant recognizes and supports a significant proposal that builds on demonstrated commitment to this area and leads toward understandings that advance equity and cultural diversity in sport.

Watch Drs. Oglesby and Snyder Discuss the O-S Grant's History, Mission, and Goals via the Madam Athlete Podcast

The grant recognizes the impact of the research partnership of Drs. Oglesby and Snyder, beginning with Dr. Snyder's doctoral studies at Temple University and culminating in more than 25 years of work as Oglesby served as a Trustee of the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF) and Snyder was Chief Program and Planning Officer leading research and educational programs at WSF. Evidence-based advocacy through WSF and other organizations, involving Dr. Don Sabo and other research partners, led to advances in multiple directions, including increased opportunities for girls and sportswomen of color; policy progress for LGBT participation in various sport organizational contexts; publications designed to increase public awareness of health implications of sport/physical activity for girls and women through the lifespan (Her Life Depends on It); and youth development programs designed for under-developed communities nationally and globally (GoGirlGo!).

A. Purpose

The Oglesby-Snyder Grant for Equity and Cultural Diversity is intended to stimulate and enhance efforts to apply sport psychology research to both advance a richer knowledge base and articulate a strong rationale for advocacy assuring that the values and benefits of sport are available to all on an equitable basis.

Grants are available for up to $7,500; and, 20% of the grant can be used toward indirect costs, salaries for the investigator(s), or travel to present the results.

An abstract of the completed work will be submitted for presentation consideration at the first eligible AASP conference that follows completion of the grant. Recipients will be encouraged to publish and disseminate their work widely. Deadline to apply is TBA for 2025.

In general, proposals must:

  1. Integrate research and practice;
  2. Be clearly articulated;
  3. Show potential for contributing to the knowledge base in sport, exercise, and performance psychology.

B. Eligibility

  • Any person who has been a continuous member of AASP for at least 3 years is eligible.
  • If students cannot meet this requirement, they may co-author the proposal with a member (typically their advisor) who does meet the requirement. However, it must be clear that it is the student's - not the advisor's - project.
  • The primary recipient of an AASP Grant may only receive funding once every 3 years.
  • Projects may only be funded through one of the AASP Grant mechanisms (Research, Collaborative Research, Community Outreach, or Oglesby-Snyder). Research/Collaborative Research and Community Outreach Grant proposals are submitted via a separate application.

C. Application Procedure

  • The grant application should be emailed to the O-S Grant Review Committee Chair at
  • Proposals will include the following components:
    1. Investigator information
    2. Abstract (300 words or less)
    3. Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Methodology, Project Sustainability and Project Evaluation
    4. References (only those cited)
    5. Budget and budget justification
    6. Submission checklist
    7. Appendix can include the following:
      • Approval for the Use of Human Subjects by an Institutional Review Board. Applicants must provide evidence that the project has received approval for the use of human subjects, or is in the process of being reviewed by an Institutional Review Board. If the review is in process, approval must be documented before funds can be released.
      • Participant informed consent form.
      • Vitae for the lead investigator and faculty advisor (if student applicant). Applicants' vitae must not exceed three single-spaced pages and should include academic degrees, positions held, awards, publications, presentations, and other information relevant to the current project.

Failure to include all components listed above, or proposals that do not conform to length specifications will not be reviewed.

D. Budget and Time Frame

  • Budgets must fall between $250 and $7,500.
  • Awards will be paid to your department or organization/company, if one exists, and can cover costs such as equipment, hourly assistance, materials, and supplies.
  • Grants are awarded December 1.
  • AASP will pay the approved amount up-front based on the submitted budget (up to the $7,500 limit) if approved to an organization/company (if project is approved to an individual, then AASP will pay 50% upfront and the remaining 50% will be sent upon completion/submission of receipts). Receipts should be submitted with the final budget statement. Any unspent funds based on the submitted budget would revert to AASP. 
  • Unspent balances will revert to AASP unless a written request for extension is submitted 6 weeks prior to grant expiration and is approved by the AASP Diversity Committee.
  • Failure to complete the project may require reimbursement.

E. Obligations

  • Recipients must submit a budget statement and summary of progress (500 words or less) within 3 months after the end of the funding period. If the grant is not managed through an organizational grants office (e.g., a University grants office), copies of receipts must be provided along with the final budget statement.
  • An abstract of the completed work must be submitted for consideration at the first eligible AASP conference that follows the completion of the grant.
  • Any publication(s) resulting from the grant should acknowledge the funding from AASP.

>> Click here to access the 2024 Oglesby-Snyder Grant Application