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Psychology of Injury SIG


To engage in professional dialogue related to the psychology of sport injury. Specifically, with the aim of bridging the gap between scientific research and applied practice, we are interested in sharing information pertaining to theory, research, and practice that facilitates understanding and application of knowledge of sport injuries from a psychosocial perspective. Topics of interest are broad and include but are not limited to: psychosocial antecedents of sport injuries, prevention of sport injuries, psychological reactions to sport injuries, adherence to injury rehabilitation programs, and psychological aspects of returning to sport competition following injury.

Get Involved

If you are interested in joining the Psychology of Sport Injury Special Interest Group (SIG) or learning more about the group, contact the SIG Coordinator, Megan Granquist.

Join the Psychology of Sport Injury SIG listerv

If you are interested in joining the Psychology of Sport Injury Special Interest Group listserv, please contact chair Tim White. By doing so, you will receive our quarterly newsletter, as well as engage in a Google group discussion specific to Psychology of Sport Injury. The aim of the newsletter and the Google group is to promote communication among AASP members who have a specific interest in psychology of sport injury.

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