2025 Call For Abstracts
The abstract submission deadline has passed. Submitters will be notified by June 1, 2025.
You must be a current (renewed for 2025) AASP or CSPA member to submit an abstract. All conference presenters must be current AASP or CSPA members. Non-presenting authors DO NOT need to be members.
- Submission Types
- Abstract Topic Areas, Domains, and Populations
- Examples of Well-Written Abstracts
- Recommendations from the Science to Practice Committee
- Review Process and Scoring
The Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) is now accepting conference abstract submissions for its 40th Annual Conference, through Friday, February 28 at 11:59 pm PST. The program will consist of pre-conference continuing education workshops, invited keynote addresses, symposia, workshops, panels, roundtables, lectures, and poster sessions.
Abstracts addressing the scientist-practitioner perspective are strongly encouraged. The scientist-practitioner focus involves an identification of the reciprocal relationships among theory, research, and interventions/practice. For example, theory-based empirical research presentations should draw the link to the applied implications of the research findings. Similarly, presentations that feature applied interventions and practice should clarify the relationship with current theory or research.
AASP is offering a virtual presentation option for lectures and posters. Virtual lectures will be recorded by the presenter and available on demand after the conference to both in-person and virtual attendees. Virtual poster presenters will upload a poster PDF. Virtual presenters must register for the conference at the virtual rate.
- Submitting members shall comply with the following conference policies, with respect to the submission of abstracts. For a complete list of ethical guidelines for submissions, please go to Ethical Guidelines for Presenters.
- There is no limit on the number of abstract submissions that each member may submit.
- An abstract can only be submitted one time. It is unethical to submit an abstract to two different submission types (e.g., lecture and poster, continuing education workshop and symposium).
- Abstracts are limited to 300 words.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- All identified presenters on the abstract(s) must be current members of AASP or CSPA (please refer to the description of the Symposia and Workshops under the "Types of Submissions" for exceptions) and must be certain that they will be attending the conference, barring unforeseen emergencies. Note: Non-presenting authors do not need to be active members.
- Identifiable information in the body of the abstract is not permitted. In order to ensure a blind review of the abstract, all identifiable information (e.g., reference to the presenters or university name and excessive referencing to personal work) should be removed from the abstract.
- The submission of "work in progress" is not allowed. Members submitting research abstracts should have their results analyzed and findings completed prior to and included in the abstract.
- Fragmentation is discouraged. Reasonable exceptions (e.g., projects with multiple studies, multiple data collections) should be clearly stated in the abstract.
- Should sensitive information be proposed as part of the presentation, the submitting presenter must indicate as such in the abstract submission and must notify the Chair of the Conference Planning Committee by sending an e-mail to: scientific@appliedsportpsych.org.
- If an abstract is accepted for presentation, the submitter agrees to present the work at the date and time designated by the Conference Planning Committee. AASP is not able to accommodate requests to change an assigned presentation day.
- All presenters must register for the conference at the full conference rate. There is no one-day rate for the conference.
All submitters will be notified by June 1, 2025.
To maximize the quality of the program and give as many people as possible the opportunity to present, a proposal may be reassigned to a different format. This is particularly true of lectures being reassinged as posters. Authors have the right to decline any reassignment without penalty, if such notification is communicated to the Scientific Program Chair (scientific@appliedsportpsych.org) by June 15, 2025.
While delivering a conference presentation, it is expected that:
- All language and content in the presentation be appropriate and not offensive or insensitive.
- If academic research is presented within the presentation, the presenter(s) indicate(s) that data was gathered after receiving IRB approval from their respective institutions or other approving body.
- Any data or details pertaining to the subjects of the presentation remain anonymous through the removal of names, locations, dates, professional positions, pictures, or other identifying information (unless permission to share those details is given).