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Abstract Categories

Coaching education, coaching development and sport psychology services with coaches.

Collegiate Sport
Sport psychology services with, or information regarding collegiate athletes, coaches and/or support staff; or within an intercollegiate setting.

Consulting & Interventions
Assessment, development, implementation, and/or evaluation of services and mental skills training interventions in sport and performance settings.

Diversity & Culture
Multiculturalism, diversity, and cultural awareness in sport, performance and exercise domains including gender, race, ethnicity, age, social and economic status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, ability/disability, and culture.

Elite/Pro Sport
Sport psychology services to, or information regarding elite or professional athletes or performers.

Service provision and /or information regarding exercise and health psychology across any activities related to increasing health, fitness and wellness.  

Psychological issues related to navigating injury, the rehabilitation process and/or return-to-play.

Mental Health
Mental health concerns within various populations including, but not limited to athletes, exercisers, performers, and people interested in becoming more active.

Non-Sport Performance Applications
Development, implementation and/or evaluation of performance psychology principles to non-sport domains (e.g.:  dance, music, medicine, corporate environments).

Olympic Sport, International, and Global Perspectives
The nature and impact of sport at the international, Olympic, and global levels including global sporting movements, sport for development (and peace), and migration and physical health.

Private Practice
Sport, performance and exercise psychology business models and practices, including, but not limited to creation, branding, marketing, product development, maintenance and management of a private practice.

Professional Development, Supervision, & Mentoring
Professional development in the field and practice of sport, performance and exercise psychology, as well as the procurement and practice of supervision and mentorship experiences to facilitate this development.

Professional Issues & Ethics
Ethical and legal issues within the training and working environments of sport, performance and exercise psychology.

Research Design
Methodology, research question development, hypothesis generation, experimental design, data collection and/or statistical and qualitative analysis methods used within the study and practice of sport, performance and exercise psychology.

Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion
The nature and impact of social (in)equality on sport, physical activity and physical culture; the ways in which sporting practices and social movements contribute to social (in)equalities in sport and physical activity; and the evidence-based methods needed for creating inclusive, equitable, and sustainable sporting environments.

Tactical Populations
Development, implementation and/or evaluation of performance psychology principles to tactical personnel, such as military personnel, firefighters, police officers, etc.

Development, implementation and/or evaluation of instructional tools, methods, behaviors and activities within the fields of sport, performance and/or exercise psychology.

Youth Sport
Sport psychology service design, execution and evaluation for, or information regarding youth athletes, their parents, youth sport administrators and children’s sport leagues.