CMPC Certification Council Discontinues Courses Outside AASP Webpage
To more closely adhere to the accreditation standards of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, the Certification Council (CC) eliminated the “soft review” of coursework submitted by individuals seeking CMPC as of February 2024. Any validation of courses prior to formal review by the Application Review Committee insinuates a “pre-approval” which is not allowed for accredited credentialing programs. Effective November 25, 2024, the CC has also decided to remove the AASP webpage entitled Course Options (Outside of AASP) and will not review course syllabi submitted by graduate program representatives for validation for the same reason.
Soon, the AASP Graduate Program Accreditation Committee (GPAC) will review programs and their courses to ensure adherence to standards aligned with developing eligible candidates to be approved to sit for the CMPC exam. The CMPC program must operate independently from the education provided to meet the credential. As such, the CC cannot appear to evaluate and “approve” or “endorse” courses. The CC, AASP GPAC, and AASP Web Presence Committee will work together to determine how to best provide valuable resources to help prospective CMPCs evaluate courses against Knowledge Area requirements.
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