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Professional Ethics & Standards in Sport Psychology Course: K1

Online Course: June 10 - September 6, 2025
Online Exam by: October 1, 2025

Course limited to 35 participants

For the 13th consecutive year, AASP is offering a distance-learning course fulfilling the required knowledge area, K1: Professional Ethics and Standards of the Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC) Certification requirements. The program, which begins the week of June 12, is specifically geared to examine important ethical and legal issues that sport and performance psychology professionals often encounter in their work as teachers, researchers, and practitioners. A final online exam will end the course. Tuition for the course is $995. Registration is now closed and will open for 2025 on April 1.  


The CMPC Certification Council does not accredit, approve, endorse, or recommend any education or training programs and/or products designed or intended to prepare candidates for certification. The Council has no involvement in the development or delivery of such programs or products.


  • Introduction to ethics
  • Who are you? Competence, credentialing and the impaired professional/student
  • Multiple relationships/attraction 
  • Research and teaching 
  • Diversity issues 
  • The law and the practice of Applied Sport Psychology 
  • Psychological assessment and testing 
  • Financial concerns in practice and business: Marketing your services
  • Obligations to clients and protecting sensitive information: Confidentiality and privacy

The source material and textbook for this course is Ethical Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology (Etzel & Watson, 2014).

Please Note: This course is for continuing education and fulfills AASP prerequisites for certification, but is NOT offered for college or graduate credit.


  • April 1: Registration Opens
  • May 15: Deadline for Scholarship Applications
  • June 1: Registration Closes
  • June 10: Course Begins
  • September 6: Online Course End Date (13 weeks)
  • September 16: Online Exam Open
  • October 1: Online Exam Due


  • Students will be able to access online course content at any time once they receive course access instructions.
  • Course access instructions will be sent to students prior to the start of the course. 
  • The course is self-paced.
  • The course was built online, so it is neither pre-recorded nor live; all the course material is online for students to read and interact with the instructor and other students.
  • The instructor will primarily interact with students via the course platform. He is also available by phone and email on an as-needed basis. 
  • An online comprehensive exam will be open for an announced, limited period of time.
  • Students who pass the exam will be provided with a certificate of completion.


AASP will be offering 3 full scholarships to early career professionals or graduate student members with financial need. Preference will be given to applicants with marginalized and/or intentionally ignored identities in society (BIPOC, LGBTQIA and/or disabled). Deadline for scholarship applications is May 15, 2025. Please note that you must be pre-registered for the course in order to recieve the scholarship.

AASP Distance Course Scholarship Application 


Dr. Jason Kostrna is the graduate program leader and assistant professor of Kinesiology at Florida International University (FIU). He is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant® (CMPC) and Approved Mentor for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), listed on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Sport Psychology Registry, and a former Certified Personal Trainer for the National Council on Strength and Fitness.

At FIU, he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of ethical issues in sport psychology, sport, and exercise psychology, research in kinesiology, motor development, sport sociology, and applied sport psychology, and supervises graduate students’ applied experiences in pursuit of CMPC recognition. He also serves as a dissertation chair and committee member for numerous dissertations centering around sport and exercise psychology.

As a consult, Dr. Kostrna has consulted and conducted research with numerous teams and individual performers of all age ranges, from amateur to professional/Olympic levels. Additionally, he has worked with non-sport and exercise populations to improve performance and increase enjoyment, motivation, and adherence.

Dr. Kostrna’s research agenda examines how attentional interventions influence the cognitive and emotional determinants of sport performance and exercise adherence. His existing and ongoing research on sport performance focuses on the effects of stress and its resultant emotions on decision-making, as well as applied sport psychology interventions to improve performance and decision-making in high-pressure situations.

Dr. Kostrna earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Florida in psychology. He holds two master’s degrees from Florida State University, one in sport and exercise psychology and one in measurement in statistics. His Ph.D. in Sport and Exercise Psychology was also completed at Florida State University.


Registration for the 2025 course will open on April 1.

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Daniels, AASP's Membership & Registration Coordinator, (317) 205-9225 or via email at