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AASP Newsletter - November 2019

Editor's Note

Sebastian Brueckner
Andrew Friesen

Sebastian Brueckner, PhD, CMPC, Muenster University, Muenster, Germany
Andrew Friesen, PhD, MPC, Pennsylvania State University

“Nothing on this earth is standing still. It’s either growing or it’s dying. No matter if it’s a tree or a human being.” - Lou Holtz

Or an organization… Lou Holtz’s quote highlights an important point that is at the core of what AASP as an organization is all about: Growth! It is what we strive to facilitate in our clients and performers; what we embrace for our own professional development; and what we need for the advancement of our field. And on all these different levels so many exciting things are happening.

AASP’s Annual Conference in Portland, that took place from October 23-26, provided so many rich examples of the growth that is occurring. The quality of scientist-practitioner work that was presented and shared by students, scholars, and professionals in our field was truly inspiring. And, as always, the networking opportunities at the conference infused so much spirit, energy, and creativity; meeting old friends and colleagues, meeting new people, and making new connections. This is the fuel that drives the advancement and growth of sport and exercise psychology on an individual and organizational level. Last, but not least, the growth is also reflected in numbers: AASP’s membership is at an all-time high of 2,560; and, the Annual Conference in Portland was the largest in history with 1,330 attendees.

The growth that AASP is experiencing is rooted in the foundations laid by founding President John Silva, who was instrumental in creating AASP, originally the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP). Even though a few years ago “Advancement” was dropped from the association’s title, the current growth and numbers clearly reflect that the organization and the field are advancing!

Change is inherent in growth. AASP has changed, for one, by focusing more on diversity and inclusion. Also, several changes have been implemented around the AASP Certified Mental Performance Consultant® certification program. Many more important projects that will bring about change and infuse continued growth are highlighted in the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan. Of course, change also happens within the leadership positions of AASP. With this issue, the chair of the Newsletter Committee will also change, and Andrew will take over this role from Sebastian. Additionally, two new associate editors will begin their terms on the committee, Dr. Theresa Bianco and Dr. Lauren Tashman. Along with our student editor, Poppy DesClouds, we look forward to providing our membership with interesting content and event information. 

In an effort to increase diversity-related content in featured articles of the AASP Newsletter, we are reaching out to AASP Committees and the 29 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for contributions. These member-driven groups help advance the organization and the field of sport and exercise psychology and reflect the broad range of expertise within the association. We want to take the opportunity to thank all contributors as well as the members of the Newsletter Committee for their great work and effort. If you would like to contribute to the ASSP newsletter, please email Andrew at