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High Risk & Extreme Sports


The High Risk & Extreme Sports SIG will work to provide education and advancement of extreme/high risk practices within the field of exercise and sport psychology through:

1) Promoting competitive enjoyment through self-evaluation or comparison within high-risk settings.

2) Providing education on the health, well-being, and psychological consequences concerning participation in extreme/high risk sport.

3) Promoting awareness involving motive and motivation for participating in extreme sport.

4) Discussing natural and unusual challenges, such as an undesired outcome resulting in injury/fatality.

5) Examine protocol and procedures supporting competitive athletes returning to safe and effective level or performance.

6) Overall support community awareness and fostering the development of safe and stimulating environments that facilitate competitive fulfilment within the parameter of an extreme/high risk sport.        

Get Involved

 If you are interested in joining the High Risk & Extreme Sport Population Special Interest Group (SIG) or learning more about the group, contact SIG Coordinator Alēc Herbert. ( or


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